VISION SUNDAY 2nd March - Combined Service at 10am. No 8, 9:30, 10:30 or 6pm services! Get more details

Sunday 8am

A traditional prayer book service

We would love to welcome you to our 8 am gathering at Water Street! We are a vibrant and friendly group which really enjoys meeting on a Sunday and sharing in morning tea afterwards.

This traditional service features hymns accompanied by music from our pipe organ. It’s a participatory service - most of the words of the service are from the Prayer Book and printed on a paper booklet you’ll be given when you come in, and you’re invited to say various prayers, creeds, and thanksgivings (but no pressure if you don’t want to).

Each week we pray, sing, and read the Bible together and hear a sermon from the series that we’re doing across Wahroonga Anglican Church. Generally, there is an opportunity to share in the Lord’s Supper twice a month.

Many members of this gathering also attend on Wednesday at 10 am, and one or both of our monthly seniors events - Prime Time and Friday Fellowship.

Please get in touch with me, Gavin Parsons - the pastor of the 8 am gathering. I’d be happy to answer any questions, and would love to see you on a Sunday morning.